Day 13!

It is Day 13!

I'm loving Thrive! How about you??

Check it out if you haven't already!

Non-GMO, All Natural, nutrients and energy? Who could ask for more!
Actually, there is more!
For those of you who prefer USA grown nutrients, look no further! 

Anyway, enough about the product... I am craving caramel! Yummy Starbucks caramel drizzle! 
But why overload my body with caffeine and sugar? I'll do the next best thing. Since I don't need all of that caffeine, as I am already energized throughout the day, I'll treat myself to the caramel! Caramel Frappe, here I come!! 

For those of you afraid of giving up your Starbucks, don't worry! You can have Starbucks still. Just don't get a coffee drink. With all of the natural energy that you're already getting with Thrive, your body does not need extra caffeine. Tomorrow I'll show you how much caffeine is in different drinks, so stay tuned!

As for me, Thrive doesn't interfere with my sleep at all. I'm tired when I should be tired, and falling asleep is no harder than before. Actually, I fall asleep faster now. 
And on that note, Goodnight!

Check it out for yourself!


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