Day ????

Wow! So life got crazy after day 13!
I apologize for not holding up my side of the bargain and telling you how my day goes wile on Thrive.
I'll save you the day by day and give you the overview, since they were all nearly the same:

Exhaustion after work
Husband working at just the right times to be able to not help with kids/house.
Youngest kid not sleeping through the night.
Thrive can only do so much!
But boy, I'd be asleep on my feet without it!
No Lie!

But thank goodness for thrive!
I went cold turkey on coffee, and haven't looked back!
Okay, I'll admit, I did have one cup of coffee! I wanted the taste! And there is this new product for creamer that everyone is trying, and they offered me a cup, and I couldn't resist! I did NOT need the coffee... but they had caramel creamer! My weakness! Yum! .......anyway......

There were times when I considered having a cup of coffee just for the caffeine. At those times, I just used Activate, another product from Le-Vel that helps to get you through the day when you couldn't get sleep/your day is extra exhausting. I love this stuff! I have the watermelon flavor. It doesn't taste half bad, and the smell is wonderful!

As far as my overall health, I feel as though I've been able to focus more, the headaches I've had haven't been lasting as long as they normally do, and i just overall feel better. I know that last one is a 'blanket statement', but it is quite true. I don't know how else to tell you that I just feel good!

As much as I talk and say "Thrive is great!" (Which is true), you would have to try it for yourself.
Go through the link to make an account and I'll get you a 3-day sample. I won't even make you pay for shipping!

Check it out for yourself!

Ooh! And I was able to accessorize with my DFT patch! 
just needed some ribbon to make a bracelet with it! 😆


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