Day 6

Note to self: Sleep!
Note to readers: Why did no one remind me to buy milk!?!
Note to self: Don't run out of / forget to buy milk.

Why all of these notes? Well, I had such a bad night that I got an hour worth of sleep, max. Thrive is not designed to give you energy when you do not help it take care of your body. BUT, it does help tons!! I don't think I could have stayed awake if I didn't take my Thrive this morning!

Note to readers: If you are able, get Activate as well as your Thrive!! It can help when you're not getting enough sleep!

While I did eventually start nodding off towards the end of my shift, if  I had drank my shake, I probably would have made it to the end of my shift without nodding off!
"Whats this?" You say. "You didn't drink your shake?!?!?!?????"
No, I did not. I forgot to buy milk yesterday, you forgot to remind me, I brought my blender bottle to work but was running late and couldn't stop by the store... So, I had my Thrive capsules, my patch, and Activate today! I still felt great!

I am falling asleep while typing this, so I need to follow the kid's example and head to bed.
But since you're all reading this, head on over to the Thrive by LeVel page to check out Thrive!!

Check it out for yourself!


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