About Me

Good Afternoon!

If you have read my other blog's post About Me,  then you probably don't want to read this.

I am a Stay at Home Mom about to become a Working Mom. Currently, I get no sleep, and thus have no energy with two kid under 3. Common, I know. But with my husband and I about to work opposite hours of each other, and him being used to me staying at home, I am going to have zero energy once I start to work again!

Usually, I have my cup of coffee in the morning, but I always want a nap by midday. Being that my kids tend not to nap at the same time (if the oldest even decides to nap that day), I can't nap either. So, after a year of hearing about this "amazing product called Thrive", I decided to try it.

I requested a free 3-day sample, I was astounded! This stuff was amazing!
Tune to my next post to read more about why I tried Thrive by Le-Vel and let me know if you would like a free sample of your own!
Once I receive my Thrive, I will start a daily blog about how I feel. No coffee/energy drinks will be consumed during this time either.

Want to try Thrive for yourself? Head on over, make an account, then I can help you to get your own 3-day sample!
Take it while I tell you about my days on Thrive and lets compare results!

(After clicking the link, click on CUSTOMER at the top. Then click on the flag where you live and make an account. Name and email are only required to make an account)


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