Day 1

Good Day My Fellow Humans!

Well, I guess it is a 'Good Evening' now...

Are you anxious to know how my day has gone?
Well... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

I had a major migraine last night. Couldn't sleep. Husband came home at 0200 and insisted I help bring his work attire inside. Woke up with headache.

I sorta kinda woke at 0630 to my husband's alarm. So, I tried to go back to sleep.
At 0636, I get a text: "Are you awake? Want Starbucks?"
(Well, duh! Who doesn't want a free drink!)
Then she changed it to: "Lets go out to breakfast! I'll pick you up in 10 minutes!"
Being that I like spur of the moment fun, and that I haven't seen this friend in forever, I agreed!
(Plus, thats what hats are for!)
So, I threw back my capsules (Step 1), and threw on some clothes! Grabbed a hat and ran to the kitchen!

Wait, the kitchen???

Of course! There is a Step 2 and a Step 3!
I grabbed a cup, poured in my shake mix (Step 2), pored in some almond milk, and stirred! (any milk is fine, but being lactose intolerant, bring on the almond milk! Yum!)
As with any powdered drink in cold liquid, there were some small lumps... I think I shall invest in a blender bottle tomorrow... But my friend who got me started on Thrive suggested to use a bottle with an ice cube or two, and shake. Makeshift blender bottle/ball!
Then, I grabbed my DFT patch (Step 3), stuck it on my arm, threw on my hat, and ran out the door!
There was my friend, just pulling up!

In 10 minutes, I was able to throw on some clothes, do Thrive Steps 1, 2, and 3, and walk out the door. That is not how I get ready every morning, mind, but the fact is having to do 3 extra steps for a healthy body simply does not take up much time. I was still able to get out the door quite quickly while adding a few more steps to my morning.

But, now that you know how my morning went, here was my day:
0700, breakfast
1030, home
1100, get nails done (P.S. headache disappeared sometime before 1100)
1300, home to help husband get ready for work (and make him try Thrive)
1330, become kids play toy
1500, go shopping for work clothes with kids in tow! (Remember, kids are ages 1 and 3!)
1700, home to cook dinner
1930, neighbor calls, wants me to run to store. Bribed me by offering to feed my kids. (Being as I decided to clean the garage instead of cook dinner, I took the bribe!)
2030, home to stay at last!
2031, became kids play toy again.....
2145, I sit, typing to you.
Busy, nonstop day!

Honestly, it is 2205 at this moment in time, there is a child on my lap, and I'm still willing to finish the laundry that I brought in 3 hours ago. With the help of Thrive, I had the energy to go through my day without needing a nap or an energy boost. But don't take my word for it!

Check it out for yourself!


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