Day 3 for Thrive; Day 1 for new job!

What do you do the night before a new job?
Sleep? Wrong!
You get 2 hours of sleep and Thrive!

Seriously, today was orientation. Do you know what they do at orientation? They talk. "They" meaning the HR personnel, the representatives from affiliate companies like credit unions, the Union people, the people helping you to decide your medical insurance right then and there... There is a lot of listening going on. Well, listening and writing. But, if you're falling asleep from no sleep and listening to people drone on and on, you don't pay attention to what you're going to write down.
Thankfully for me, I have Thrive!

Today I pressed snooze on my alarm for the 8th time and just laid there in bed. Not wanting to fully wake up. Then I realized that I have my capsules to take! Otherwise, I'll forget. I can be forgetful.
So, because they're within reach, I took them without needing to get up! Score! Or just laziness... oh well...
But, to get the most out of Thrive, it is best to drink the shake/put the patch on 20-40 minutes after you take the capsules. So, what do I do? I use Thrive as my motivation to get out of bed! As a motivator, it works quite well!

Then you're Thrivin', you're livin'!
Okay, so that doesn't seem to rhyme quite right...
Either way, as Thrive kicks in, I start to become a little more productive.
You might say "That's natural as you wake up". But it is not for me. I tend to take hours to become ore productive. Even if I am getting ready for work, I am still moving like a snail.

Now, I've been to quite a few orientations for multiple reasons. Nearly everyone just wants to sleep!
Not me! I was awake and listening! (Well, I was awake at least...)

Towards the end of orientation, we were allowed to chit chat while waiting for our individual meetings with the insurance people. Well, what do a bunch of strange adults do when told they can chit chat? They sit awkwardly and stare at their hands/ceiling/anywhere but look at you.
If you have a Thrive patch on, and it is visible, just "absent minded-ly" play with it.
Eventually, you'll catch someone staring at it or someone will ask what it is. Perfect ice breaker!
I was chatting with a couple of people about Thrive, and even they commented on how I was the only one who seemed to be completely awake out of the new hires!

If a stranger can see the difference for me, it is worth trying for yourself!

Seriously, I couldn't have gotten through today without my Thrive.
And remember, you can tailor Thrive to your needs. Including your gender.
What do you have to loose?

Check it out for yourself!

P.S. Some one remind me to buy milk!! I haven't drank this much milk this fast since I was in elementary school before I found out that I was lactose intolerant!


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