Day 4 / Day 5

Good Evening!

First, I need to apologize for not posting yesterday. It was such a hectic day that I just did not have the time!

Day 4

My day:

0400 - Thrive Time! Sleepily though, as I am not a morning person!
0530 - Leave for work
1700 - Get home from work
1730 - Drop stuff off at goodwill
1800 - Shower
1820 - Shove everyone in the car to meet new babysitter (YAY!)
1930 - Husband decides he needs to run to the store before going home
2030 - Get home / cook
2230 - Go to bed. Sleep? Not really... it has never come easily to me...

Not very many different activities, but each one took a bit of time. Plus, Girls, you know how it is! When your man is home, he wants to be babied. (lol, just kidding!)

Actually, on any other day, I never would have gotten that much done without a yawn. While my lack of sleep is making me tired earlier, with Thrive I was able to still come home at 2030 and cook with my husband. Now I'm starting to think "What will I do without Thrive?? I don't want to go back to being tired mid-day!"

It doesn't hurt to check it out yourself. Especially if you also get the mid day Zzzz's.

Day 5

With only a few hours of sleep for this night owl, I again start my day with Thrive!
I have yet to forget a day, and I am usually quite forgetful!
So, I throw back my capsules, 30 min later I make my shake throw the kids in the car, throw on my DFT patch, and I'm out the door! (Don't worry! I didn't forget to drink my shake! I brought it with and drank it in the car.)

Now, in my mind, I have been calling Thrive a miracle worker because I always get those mid day Zzzz's unless I am occupied with something truly fun. And with Thrive, I have had noting but energy when I need it! But I do have to admit, if you cannot take care of your body first, like getting more than a couple of hours of sleep each night, then Thrive will only help so much. Every now and then, getting no sleep is fine. But not day after day. Also, it is true that when your body is in motion, it stays in motion. Well, my new job is nearly all work that I have to do sitting down at a computer. That alone can make anyone drowsy!

So today, I started getting tired and yawning while working on the computer. Not a good sign! But theres this powder from Le-Vel called Active. It is for when you need a little extra boost. I was able to get a free box of it during a promo when I ordered my Thrive, and I like it a lot! I pored it in a 16oz bottle of water and drank it over the next 20 min. In my mind, the slower I drink it, the longer it will help. It helped quite well! But it still wasn't like an energy drink or coffee where you get an energy high then crash, so it was perfect for me!
Ive also been told that it would work great for those of you who have strange schedules like my husband and cannot take Thrive daily. Activate can get you past that 4 hour mark until you are able to Thrive again!

Seriously people! I would love to hear from you!

Check it out for yourself!


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