Day 8

What can I tell you that I haven't already?
Today was another great day!
I got up, I Thrived, and I actually cleaned my kitchen in an hour! Top to bottom!

I feel great during the day when I Thrive. 
During the night, I sleep like normal. 
By Thriving in the morning when I wake up, I have energy all day, and I sleep at night.
Actually, I sleep better at night because I've been busy during the day and my body is ready for rest.
Perfect combo! 

If you question my logic, think of it this way:
What do you do to a child when you want them to sleep at night?
You tire them out during the day!
My choice to tire them out? Let them run around the park for a few hours. Come home, eat, bathe, watch tv, sleep! Actually, watch TV and sleep could be combined as thats when they fall asleep because their body is tired after so much activity.

While you may not be running around the park for a few hours, Thrive gives you the energy to get up and do things if thats what you choose to do. You aren't arguing with your body to "get up and start moving". Your body wants to move.
You may not be climbing mountains or running marathons, but you are moving. 
Thrive makes you want to move! 

What are you waiting for?

Check it out for yourself!
Pic is not mine to claim


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